Thursday 29 November 2012

1 jour 1 actu - the news for children in French

Des outils pour mieux comprendre l'info

This is my new favourite French website. (I am extremely fickle, as you know.)

1jour1actu is a news website for children and teachers by Milan Presse.

It publishes one news story each day (Monday to Friday) along with accompanying pdf worksheets for teachers, background material for the story and, very often, a video clip, too.

You can sign up to receive daily emails, or follow them on Facebook or twitter.

You can also search through the archives by topic or by date. The topics are: Monde, Culture, France, Insolite, Science, Sport, and Planète. There are also sections called Dossiers and Espace Enseignants.

This is an amazing authentic resource for learners of French of all abilities and some of the topics are relevant to the AS and A2 exams.

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