Saturday 17 March 2012

Can we make Mothers' Day Cards?

Mothers' Day in the UK and Ireland is tomorrow, the 4th Sunday in Lent. 

This week has been assessment week. So, naturally, some of my pupils asked if they could make Mothers' Day cards instead of doing their exams.

I had anticipated this.

I remembered when I lived in France that Mothers' Day was on a different day so I had prepared myself for their pleas and did some "intercultural understanding research".

They were not impressed that I would not allow them to make cards but I told them that we'd do it when it was  La fête des Mères.

The International Mothers' Day is 13th May 2012. Most countries celebrate this annually on the second Sunday in May.

In most middle eastern countries, Mothers' Day is on the first day of Spring.

The Spanish and Portugese celebrate on the first Sunday in May.

In France, La fête des Mères takes place on the last Sunday in May unless it coincides with Pentecost and then it moves to the first Sunday in June.

So, now you know.

Happy Mother's Day. 

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